Úvod »CD BAZAR» CD Harry Belafonte – Folk Standards: The Encore Collection


CD Harry Belafonte – Folk Standards: The Encore Collection


Skladem: 1 ks
Číslo produktu: 29.8.22
typ: Kompilace
rok: 1998
země: USA
label: BMG Special Products – 7551744676-2
styl: Calypso, Vocal
stav CD: 90%
stav krabičky: 85%
stav bookletu: 90%
149 Kč (7 €)

do košíku:


1 Day-O
2 Cocoanut Woman
3 Pastures Of Plenty
4 Gotta Travel On
5 This Land Is Your Land
6 Island In The Sun
7 Midnight Special
8 Cotton Fields
9 The Dolphin
10 Four Strong Winds