Úvod »Drum & Bass, Jungle» 12" Imagination D / Pish Posh + Chris Young - The War Is Over / The Angel's Cry


12" Imagination D / Pish Posh + Chris Young - The War Is Over / The Angel's Cry

Deska i obal jsou ve velmi pěkném stavu.


Skladem: 0 ks
Číslo produktu: 26.10.19-7
typ: Singl
rok: 2003
země: Germany
label: Magic Vinyl
styl: Drum n Bass
stav desky: 90%
stav obalu: 95%
159 Kč (7 €)



A Imagination D The War Is Over (Ill.Skillz Remix)
AA Pish Posh And Chris Young

The Angel's Cry


Vocals Sarah Bergreen)
